DENBIGH EXPED May 3RD- 11th May  2025

The latest planned exped to Denbigh gliding North Wales

May 3rd -11th 2025 has been confirmed on the PNGC calendar and would like to confirm numbers of those interested.

At present there are 14 pilots who are interested and if anyone else has a desire to join us then I need to know as soon as possible to determine numbers of gliders required. Costs will be promulgated when numbers are finalised.

If you want to attend this exped then please contact Tom Edwards by email

Members Maintenance Forum

PNGC Members Maintenance Forum – 12th June 2024   (1900 – 1955)
Meeting called by:   Ant Stone  
Attendees:Ant Stone  (AS) Steel, Jamie (JS) Lee (LA) Tim G (TG) Alex Le Marinel (ALM) Tony World (TW) Wainwright, Barney (BW) Lomax, Fred (FL) Lomax, Paul (PL) Enrico  (ES) Mick Monson (MM) Don HUNTER (DH) Jim Chapman (JC) Nigel (NS) Adrian Noble (NN) Tom  (TC)


Agenda item:Aim & Purpose Current Work (Examples) Completed Reporting You Said We Did (Start of the future) Scrub Days Next Steps (Open Camp Fire) Your Say    
Meeting Minutes:

The forum had a good turn out and was well articulated by members of the club with ideas and actions to move forward on. Being first of the Maintenance Forums and forcasted for extra.

AS – Welcome and open speech with Presentation

AS – Aim and Purpose of the forum (Presentation Attached to E-Mail)

Discussion around the needs of the club and the vision moving forward with Winter and Scrub day planning.

TW – Feedback on the internal reporting tool “easy to use but suggest adding a link to the Job Allocation Sheet as an ease of reporting”

DH – Winter planning – idea to start looking at a scheduale and allocation of jobs for Airframes and Ground Maintenance.

JS – Infrustructure is a priorty moving forward for Scrub days and planned mid week work party.Two big jobs are moving of the MT Hangar and working on the Nissan Hut. Utilities will be connected by TW.

JC – ISO container to be painted, MT Hangar could be done during the week, arrange a work party.

TW – Airside passes please speak with me and can be arranged.

Water is now being looked at by the DIO MW, and will get electric done at the same time.

A new 40ft container is ready to come to site and will be brought when ready to move the other ISO containers for the MT Hangar and will be placed at the end long ways. Options that it could be used for personal lockers etc for private members.

ES – Is there a plan to move items from Saltan?

AS – Inventory should be taken of all 3 sites

JS – A floor walk of all 3 sites to be arranged with an inventory to be taken and items brought back from other sites that we may need at MW. Van to be arranged from TW when this is planned

TW – Due to location of members would be good to have some items left at Salton and Netheravon to keep a presence for work.

DH – Having a Plan A and B for Scrub days using the Trackers to plan for onsite work and maintenance. Getting a priorty list actioned for the DI. Suggested calling members that have allocated jobs to see if they will attend.

AS – Suggest that a plan is made to the DI and a comms added to the maintenance chat to see whom is avalible for the work.

PL – Suggested a Skills matrix for utilisiing skills that members have.

Also to support maintenance education for younger members on Aircraft and ground maintenance.

JC – A skills question is on the online membership form for people to fill out.  Can look at adding to Glidex or a spreadsheet to utilise skills of others in the club.

AS – Will look at investigating this further for Skills utilisation with JC

JS – Remember that all work carried out goes towards membership cost reduction, it is important that you report this work to AS so it can be logged and evidenced.

DH – Controlling of purchasing items for maintenance what route will we take?

JS / TW – Any thing that is over £50 please contact JS or TW for autherisation.

ES – Organisation of Airframe maintenance items like cleaning to be sorted and all in one place.

AS – This work has been started and will continue makking it easier for members to locate items

DH – Agreed but discipline of members putting the items back and reporting low stock

AS – Full inventory to be taken and a list added to the cabinet, Tool management to be looked at as a loose screwdriver being left in the airframe could be a potential risk. Will look at this with neil under safety.

Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadline
Organise ISO / MT Hangar midweek work partyASCOP 21st June
Floor walk and InventoryAS / JSCOP 28th June
Full Site Inventory MWAS / JS – To allocateCOP 28th June 
Cabinet and ISO OrganisationASCOP 05th June
Skills Matrix QuestionareAS / JC 
Winter Planning Ground and AirframeAS JS and TWCOP 01st August
Update Links in PNGC tracker for reportingASCOP 28th June 
Scrub Day PlannerASCOP 28th June  

Other Information

  • Work carried out goes against reduction of membership fees, please inform AS of any work carried out to be logged.
  • MT and ISO work to be carried out ASAP with a midweek work party
  • Work Parties Friday afternoon/ Saturday to be arranged
  • A lot of work forecasted for the next 12 months and members are encouraged to get involved to support the club growing.
  • Water and Electric to be completed in the next 6 months.
  • Another forum to take place prior to winter planning discussion.
  • Anything over £50 please contact TW or JS for purchasing.

Thank you for attending, any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of the club Committee.

PNGC National Women Go Gliding weekend

A big success – National Women’s Go Gliding weekend at PNGC

Maybe you were wondering why gliding needs a special weekend for women. That’s fair enough. After all, there’s nothing stopping us coming flying any weekend we want.

Yet somehow there is. Statistics right across the country say so.

The BGA’s National Women’s Go Gliding Weekend in April proved that there is no shortage of women and girls who want to try gliding. When they do, they are very keen to learn. To use a good soaring analogy, it just takes that trigger.

Over the two days of the Women’s Weekend at PNGC we gave the participants and some of their families 72 flights despite some quite mediocre weather. Members gave up their own flying opportunities and came together to show off the best of the club’s efficiency, safe operation, helpfulness and good humor. The participants all said they enjoyed it hugely and remarked on the friendly club vibe.

The photos show some of the (unsolicited) thank you emails we received afterwards.

And here’s what some had to say on the day.

“It was nothing like what I thought it would be like. As soon as you get up there and feel the flow of the air and the sun and the beautiful view – and feeling with your senses what’s around you — it’s absolutely fantastic. I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you so much.”

One woman who wanted to do aerobatics was treated to a sequence of chandelles, a loop and a low pass over the airfield. She was ecstatic. “That was insane! Really crazy. Never experienced anything like it. No idea what the technical names are, but we went up and down and I felt the proper pressure on my whole body. I want to do it again for sure.”

Personal stories produced some interesting insights into what prompts women to try flying. ‘Sarah’  was diagnosed with incurable cancer late last year and wants to try everything she’s ever wanted to do.

‘Anna’ had decided to turn her life round before reaching 50. Over the last two years she has shed over 60kg, won a national award for slimming, and now feels confident enough to do things that have been closed off to her almost since her teens.

A mother of three with her own physical problems came along with her daughter and two younger siblings. We gave her daughter, an air cadet who had never flown, four flights and a certificate to prove it. Then we offered the mum a flight too. She was thrilled and the whole family had to tear themselves away from the airfield at the end of the day.

What did we learn?

We can deduce many of the reasons women have for taking up gliding, or not doing so. A majority who came to PNGC for our weekend had little or no previous knowledge of gliding nor great unrealized passion for aviation, but they were up for a new challenge. For most, the experience was an eye-opener.

Younger women tended to be more excited and daring, and appreciated other young women being around (and younger men!). Women with dependent children may be keen but the possibility of half days at the club would need to be emphasized.

The older women, no less enthusiastic, were notably more cautious and anxious. Asked specifically about their views on barriers to entry, a group of middle-aged women said they sensed what they laughingly called “a bit of willy waving” about how high, how far, how fast. I did counter that these are accepted metrics for measuring sporting achievement. Nonetheless, their impressions are something to mull over.

Could we emphasize that gliding is whatever you want it to be, whether soaring with birds, enjoying the views, learning to instruct, helping with maintenance, or launching others into the air? It’s not even necessary to want to fly solo.

Could we place more emphasis on personal mentoring, or allocate a club buddy?

What else might help? Some women instructors, committee members, a speaker, a regular ambassador program, and influencer(s) with personal/relatable stories on social platforms would be great for the club too. Just my thoughts. I’m sure we will all have more.

Any of the women we introduced would be great members. Hopefully some will go on to join, bringing complementary skills and organizational experience the club could benefit from and adding to the joy of it all.

Sutton Bank report 2023

PNGC exped to Sutton Bank, October 2023

Floating above North Yorkshire under a dazzling blue sky, it was obvious that the PNGC exped had ventured to a foreign land. Under the experienced leadership of a native, Adrian ‘Nobby’ Noble, a small team of six had travelled oop north to try summat different.

Sutton Bank, home of the Yorkshire Gliding Club since 1934, is renowned for ridge soaring and opportunities for wave flying, and has been a successful club expedition destination for several years. This exceptionally welcoming, friendly club is well used to autumnal migrations of Southern Softies (PNGC’s parachutes even boast of it). But with us this year came a swathe of high pressure and cool, bright sunshine.

Nobby, Elaine Bunting, Chris Hensman, Michael Monson, Enrico Steffinlongo and Barney Wainwright headed there from Middle Wallop on Saturday 14th October. Nobby towed the K21 LPV and Enrico the Astir, 480. Barney’s DG300, FDW, which he shares with Nobby, was already on site following an earlier visit.

The group arrived to find that the clear skies belied a moderate to fresh north-westerly and turbulent conditions at Sutton Bank. The wind strengthened through the day and the windsock on the top of clubhouse cavorted around its pole. Plans to fly that afternoon had to be scrubbed.

Instead, we decided to visit nearby Rievaulx Abbey, a 12th Century Cistercian monastery dissolved in 1538 and stripped of all its treasures, right down to the lead in the roof. We had an interesting walk among the ruins, then up the hill to Rievaulx Terrace, a landscape garden flanked by two 18th Century temples. From this high vantage point, the scale of the moors and valley can clearly be seen.

Afterwards we returned to our comfortable accommodation at the Yorkshire Gliding Club and dinner: Nobby’s chilli and rice, with garlic bread, followed by Elaine’s apple crumble, plus cheese and biscuits.

To Bagby and beyond

On Sunday 15th, the winds had eased off to become light to moderate. The three gliders were rigged, checked and made ready. After the daily club briefing, the launch point was set up on the short runway 24 adjacent to the clubhouse.

Clear skies and still air in the morning made ideal conditions for site check flights for Chris and Michael, the start of aerotow training for Elaine, and a first flight by Barney in FDW. Unfortunately, Enrico reported feeling ill and was unable to fly.

Taking off from Sutton Bank is quite an experience. As you get airborne, the steep-sided edge of Sutton Bank plunges away below. The famous White Horse of Kilburn is visible on the hillside beneath, and the land continues to descend a further 750ft into the valley. It’s an amazing sight.

From above, there is a wonderful view of the ridge winding around to form the main bowl, which cups Lake Gormire, before turning northwards to High Paradise Farm. To the west lies the town of Thirsk, epicentre of the James Herriot tales. Northwards is Middlesbrough and, to the east and across the moors, Scarborough and Whitby.

Points of note for the site briefing, aside from key points of the day’s right hand circuit, were landmarks along the ridge, RAF Topcliffe and the runway of the self-styled ‘Bagby International Airport’. This tiny airstrip two miles away is well placed for an outlanding if one were to run out of height for a return to Sutton Bank.

As the late morning progressed, there was some thermal activity and cumulus began to form. Barney, Michael and Chris with Nobby all soared locally, and Elaine began her aerotow training. Barney had one of the best flights of the day, logging 1 hour 30 minutes, while Michael had 1 hour 3 minutes and Chris managed some good soaring over Lake Gormire.

At the end of a full day, the PNGC team drove into Thirsk to Bianco restaurant where we had an excellent meal and were able to unleash Enrico to test the authenticity of our Italian waiter.

A little light soaring

On Monday, the day was still and calm, with high, thin cloud cover. Eventually some zephyrs filled in from the south-south-east and there was a busy queue for aerotows off the club’s long runway 20.

On a day when no one found lift of any note, the PNGC crew scored the longest flights of the day. Barney had a flight of 27 minutes, and another of 24 minutes. Chris with Nobby did some light soaring too, while Elaine and Nobby later explored some faint remnants of a wave bar in the same area. Sadly, Enrico was still feeling too unwell to fly.

Elaine completed aerotow training by returning from a wave-off by the tug at 300ft, and followed with a solo in the K21. Then the YGC’s DG500 was taken out of the hangar and the pair took a tow to 4,000ft to complete Elaine’s spin training. Despite Nobby offering a group from YGC the same golden opportunity, there were no takers. 

After a busy and interesting day of flying, the PNGC group went back into Thirsk to a Wetherspoons pub, The Three Tuns. The food would flatteringly be described as unmemorable, though Enrico did best with his ‘gourmet steak dinner’, a la-di-da affair with peas and three onion rings.

Tuesday was all change. As the high pressure moved away north-eastwards, the forecasters agreed it would soon be followed by Storm Babet. There would be strong winds and large accumulations of rainfall lasting until the weekend.

During the morning, the light to moderate east-south-easterly began to increase. Low, broken rags of cloud scudded overhead. The launch point was set up on runway 20, which gave a 90° crosswind with, at times, a smidgen of tailwind. It was going to be very good practice for take-offs and landings.

As the wind strengthened during the day, it also formed some tantalising streets with weak thermals. Barney again managed the soaraway flights of the day: 33 minutes in the morning; and 40 minutes in the mid-afternoon.

Towards the end of the afternoon, Nobby and Elaine set off on a final aerotow out over the White Horse. At just about 100ft QFE, the Pawnee was jolted upwards by a sudden, sharp gust. Seconds later LPV followed suit, causing an inadvertent cable release. Nobby immediately took control of the situation and turned right to assess whether to descend to the valley below or return back to the airfield.

Some lift helped take LPV to a giddy 150ft and Nobby guided it back on to runway 06, finally turning to float up the long runway towards the launch point and some very surprised YGC members. It was easily the shortest flight of the day – in fact, of the whole week. It was also, by Nobby’s own admission, the nearest he has ever come to visiting Bagby.

A further uneventful flight saw Elaine with Nobby mooching around the edges of a line of cloud to extend to a whopping 25 minutes in the air. And with this last flight of the day, the PNGC exped came to an end. Wednesday’s forecast continued to deteriorate. With strong and turbulent winds and rain in the offing, it was decided to de-rig the aircraft and put them back in their trailers to tow home in the morning. 

The crew had a final night out in Thirsk and a terrific curry at the Grand India, a known favourite of Nobby’s. Every Tuesday evening they have a ‘Banquet Special’, with 3 courses for £10.95.

The next morning we drove south and delivered the gliders back safely to Middle Wallop.

The weather at Sutton Bank in October did not oblige with ridge soaring or the wave conditions that lure pilgrims from the south. However, we did have some hugely enjoyable flying, much of it in beautiful late autumn sun and crystal visibility. And if we did not exactly soar sky high, we were privileged to float over one of the country’s most beautiful landscapes.

A very big thank you is due to Nobby for leading the expedition, for his meticulous preparations and planning, and doing his utmost to ensure everyone got all the flying they could hope for.

Thanks also to our hosts at the Yorkshire Gliding Club, where we had such a warm welcome. They do have the most excellent facilities and location perched up there on the roof of Yorkshire. Whenever you get the chance to visit, be sure to go!


Royal Navy Motor Glider Course Report

On the 24 July nine keen and budding aviators from the Royal Navy and Royal Marines
reported for duty at Solent Airport, formally HMS DAEDALUS to attend the Royal Navy
Gliding and Soaring Association (RNGSA) Motor Glider Course run by the Portsmouth Naval
Gliding Centre (PNGC).
The course is a once-a-year Adventurous Training opportunity introducing students to the
thrill of powered flight using Motor Gliders. Under the expert guidance of volunteer
experienced British Gliding Association (BGA) instructors the weeklong course provided
instruction in basic air safety, pre-flight safety checks, aircraft controls and handling, in flight
safety, navigation and to witness take-off and landing checks and procedures. The course
emphasizes the importance of adhering to strict air regulations, airspace procedures and
maintaining situational awareness providing the student with an appreciation for the
responsibility that comes with being a pilot.
With students assisting in all the necessary pre-flight checks and witnessing take off
procedures and parameters the students were given control of the German manufactured
Grob G109’s, a two seat self-launching motor glider in which the pilot and student sit side by
side, to pilot an aircraft which for most was a new experience. Flying over the Solent,
around the Isle of Wight, West Sussex, and the South Downs there were frequent photo
opportunities including the breath-taking Needles.
The power gliding course incorporates many practical applications of aviation skills. A cross-
country navigation exercise over the South Downs provided an opportunity for participants to plan and execute their flight routes, using strict altitude parameters, compass bearings and speed. Under the instructors’ mentorship, students learn to interpret weather reports,
calculate wind corrections, and navigate using maps and Visual Flying Rules. The exercise
over some of the best Hampshire and West Sussex countryside and villages provided a
sense of accomplishment as students successfully found their way back to base, honing
their skills as navigators.
The weeks individual training fee included a year’s membership of the RNGSA. This will
provide further opportunities to develop flying skills by attending weekend training with the instructors at Middle Wallop airfield, the home of the PNGC. Ultimately this could result in the proud achievement of attaining a BGA recognised qualification.

Lewis Crowe
Corporal Royal Marines

S/Lt Thomas LeClerc receives certificate from CFI Dickie Croker
Course Members at Solent Airport
Lt Ross Murray (RNAESS) at the controls
L/Cdr Jon Taylor (XSO HMS Sultan) received his course certificate.
Picture of the iconic Needles, Isle of Wight, taken at 800 feet in Grob109 Motor Glider