
Members Maintenance Forum

PNGC Members Maintenance Forum - 12th June 2024   (1900 – 1955) Meeting called by:   Ant Stone   Attendees:Ant Stone  (AS) Steel,...
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PNGC National Women Go Gliding weekend

A big success - National Women’s Go Gliding weekend at PNGC Maybe you were wondering why gliding needs a special...
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Sutton Bank report 2023

PNGC exped to Sutton Bank, October 2023 Floating above North Yorkshire under a dazzling blue sky, it was obvious that...
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Royal Navy Motor Glider Course Report

On the 24 July nine keen and budding aviators from the Royal Navy and Royal Marinesreported for duty at Solent...
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For the Attention of All Winch Drivers

Calling all Winch Drivers Many of you who have been trained solely on the Heron Winchwill need to be checked...
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Sutton Bank Expedition 14th to 22nd October 2023 

This year’s club expedition to Sutton Bank will run from Saturday 14th Oct to Sunday 22nd October.   Pilots who...
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K21 Spinning

Hence, until and unless further evidence is evaluated, we've made a decision to prohibit spin-training and/or spinning in any club...
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11/04/2023 / General PNGC News

Porton Down danger area

Following Tony's words of caution, here is a new map with narrative that should categorically help identify the local boundaries...
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2022 Sutton Bank Expedition Report

Nick English 9000ft ASL - You are able to see the North Sea and the Irish Sea This year’s expedition...
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01/11/2022 / General PNGC News

PNGC 2022 Sutton Bank Exped Highlights

Our members went to Sutton Bank for the 2022 PNGC Club expedition in October. All in all, it was a...
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